SEIS Academic Forum Series (No.761)
Forum on Intercultural Studies
Reflecting on Interculturality
through Critical and Reflexive Languaging?
Speaker: Fred Dervin
Time: 10:00 am-12:00 pm
Date: November 6th, 2020
Venue: Tencent Online Meeting
(Conference code: 696 696 283, Password: 201106)
Abstract: In this presentation Professor Dervin will propose critical and reflexive languaging as a central tool for interculturality. Languaging aims to support us to stimulate our needs and wishes to reflect on the words that are used and presented to us when we speak about interculturality. By doing so, Professor Dervin argues that we might make our engagement with discourses of interculturality fairer, more complex and transparent but also convincing. Our engagement with interculturality as a notion might then also be more independent, and our sense of criticality and reflexivity might improve.
About the speaker:
Fred Dervin is Professor of Multicultural Education at Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki, Finland. Prof. Dervin specializes in intercultural education, the sociology of multiculturalism and student and academic mobility. He has widely published in international journals on identity, the 'intercultural' and mobility/migration (over 100 articles and 50 books). Dervin is one of the most influential scholars and critical voices on intercultural communication education in Europe.